Galveston ISD
I was a classroom teacher for 14 years before I became a CLL. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I knew I was ready for something different. As a teacher, I was used to helping and supporting teachers with math and technology instruction; and as a CLL I knew I would be able to help and impact more teachers.
The CLL position made me grow and develop in many ways. My Instructional Support Specialist played a big role in my development as a CLL. She was good at giving me different examples to help increase my understanding of different levels of depth and rigor. I was never afraid to try new things. This position gave me the opportunity to explore and try new ideas with the teachers, like having on hand many options in case a teacher didn’t get something right away during our meetings so that we could try different ways. One part that I recognize I still need to improve on is being a better listener in order to learn how to reach teachers at various levels and provide the best support they can receive.
I am straightforward with teachers and I give them the goal for our meetings so they know what we are working towards and what to look for. Direct communication really helped me create trusting relationships with the teachers I have supported. For the last four years, I have grown a lot as a CLL and I would like to continue improving my skills as a coach.