Teshawn Leslie receives the HEB Excellence in Education Finalist Award

Since the inception of the TSL grant and the collaboration with TXCEE, our campus has celebrated many successes with the components of this grant.  Our teachers have become better instructional leaders since they have used the protocols of the TCLCs and CLCs to showcase their commitment to educating our at-risk students.  As their administrator for the past decade, I have seen their professional growth in the delivery of instruction and the use of protocols that they have learned in the trainings and the support from our CLL.   Sonia M. Sotomayor P-TECH is a special purpose campus that caters to teenage moms and dropouts from the surrounding districts.  We are committed to giving these ladies a high school education as well as the opportunity for college credits.  With this in mind, the TSL grant and with the guidance of the TXCEE staff, we have been able to bridge the gap of learning with most of our students.  The evaluation instrument has given our administration and teachers the rubric for growth in areas of need and has allowed for professional growth and master teacher retention.  For those teachers needing improvement, the evaluation tool is a great instrument for self-reflection and personal growth.  Teachers are allowed to upload artifacts in support of their craft and to be able to conference with them to help them areas of concern.  For administrators, the TSL grant has given us direction on how to lead teacher growth that will impact student achievement and has led to a culture of data-driven collaborative learning community. 

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